Peer-reviewed journal articles
N. Li, and Ö. Okur, 2023. Economic analysis of energy communities: Investment options and cost allocation. Applied Energy, 336, p.120706. [Journal link]
N. Li , Z. Lukszo, and J. Schmitz, 2023. An approach for sizing a PV–battery–electrolyzer–fuel cell energy system: A case study at a field lab. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 181, p.113308. [Journal link]
N. Li, R.A. Hakvoort, and Z. Lukszo, 2022. Cost allocation in integrated community energy systems—Performance assessment. Applied Energy, 307, p.118155. [Journal link]
N. Li, R.A. Hakvoort, and Z. Lukszo, 2021. Cost allocation in integrated community energy systems-A review. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 144, p.111001. [Journal link]
N. Li, R.A. Hakvoort, and Z. Lukszo, 2021. Cost allocation in integrated community energy systems—social acceptance. Sustainability, 13(17), p.9951. [Journal link]
Conference papers
N.K. Panda, N. Li, S.H. Tindemans, 2024. Aggregate Peak EV Charging Demand: The Impact of Segmented Network Tariffs.[Conference link]
N. Li, K.Bruninx, K. Bruninx, S.H. Tindemans, 2023 October. Residential demand-side flexibility provision under a multi-level segmented tariff. 2023 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT EUROPE), Grenoble, France, 2023, pp. 1-5. [Conference link]
B. Fina, S. Yilmaz, F. Ettwein, N. Li, A. Werner. Typologies of energy community initiatives and their social implications.[Conference link]
N. Li, R.A. Hakvoort, and Z. Lukszo, 2020, October. Segmented energy tariff design for flattening load demand profile. 2020 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe (ISGT-Europe), The Hague, Netherlands, 2020, pp. 849-853. [Conference link]
PhD Dissertation
N. Li, Cost Allocation in Integrated Community Energy Systems [Dissertation]